Do you want to work WITH US?

Do you want to become a Native English Trainer?

We are looking for qualified English trainer with an actual teaching certificate. If you have an economic background (education and / or experience in one of the following fields

  • marketing & sales
  • logistic
  • purchasing
  • dealing with the far east
  • finance
  • controlling
  • accounting

please feel free to fill in our application form without any obligation!



We are offering free education, flexible working time, part time jobs, fair & reliable payment, short term or long term projects and a great team to work with

Our Projects

Our projects are tailored to our customers. We are developing a project plan together with the customer, working actively with that, reviewing and evaluating frequently, fine tune it, and make the customers employees successful!

Trainer events

Twice a year we are organize an event for all our trainers to educate, share best practice and … most important …. to have fun!

Join the team

if you are interested please fill in the application form (coming soon) or send us an email!

Interested in working with kids?

Have a look at our sister company

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